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Biyernes, Disyembre 2, 2011

10 possible Worst Sinulog Experiences: make sure this doesn't happen to you!

*Note: This post is a collated 'worst experiences' during the Sinulog celebrations via interviews, chats and also thru a local forum. This post is to 'educate' readers to avoid these things from happening to others in the future.

For those who have not experienced any of the lists below, then God Bless you; but for those greenhorn-overly-excited-newbies: please watch yourselves and be schooled! Though the Sinulog Festival is a religious event, humans as we are, there are still crazy people out there and that they can cause these things to happen.

From the Movie 300
1. STAMPEDE - though Sinulog is a more of a religious observation even during the parade, Celebrities can sometimes cause an uproar and turn people into walking screaming dead and move like crazy towards them. Also, when Celebrities throw 'stuff' to the crowd (and by stuff, most of the time CANDIES) and the crowd loose all logic and dive into them as if they've never had a candy in their entire life. Make sure to keep safe and prepare to lift small children to one's shoulders or stay away from tight crowds.

White Collar TV Series - Theives can be deceptive
2. THEFT - If you have a brand new phone that's touch-sensitive then might as well borrow a simple looking one; Cellphones, valuables, jewelry (Passport for visitors) and the like can be items for opportunists to take away from you!

3. TECHNOLOGY DELAY - It's a no-brainer that we are living in the information age and that we always want to be connected and updated; this has become our immediate communication channel-tool. Delayed calsl, SMS, internet, 3G are the main things that drive people crazy during Sinulog. Small Telco-networks may benefit the few and wireless internet connection and communication can save you from time to time; let's include here Charging SPOTS (outlets) people will cluster here even more if you don't fully charge your gadgets or have back-up batteries.

4. WORK DISRUPTION - if you're working on a 12 hour shift, night shift, construction or BPO industries, you better plan out your schedule. Whether your going to work or going home you better have an awesome transportation plan or else you'll be walking (might as well arrange to spend overnight at work).

5. HEALTH PROBLEMS - If you're sick, please don't join the celebrations for your own good (know your limits); If you're healthy, don't over-do-it for if you do, you'll probably get sick the next day.
  • Viral - If you're hanging with a crowd of coughs and sneezes, chances are you'll get any of those viral infections.
  • Exchange of Bodily Fluid - STOP THINKING and let me finish. You will be walking and do more walking and if there's a crowd you'll probably feel sweat (ewwwww!)
  • Grosed-out - if you're sense of smell is hyper sensitive, then prepare yourself! (Lud-on, bahong-anso, singot..atbp.)
taken from History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi ~Manga
6. PHYSIOLOGICAL STRAIN - This usually happens to devotees/dancers/organizers or at the end of the long day for most attendees but this can also happen early on if you dive into a heavy crowd of people. You can get:
  • Elbowed - yes, just like in basketball.
  • (Accidental) Tackle/Speared - You watch pro-wrestling? If a person slips and tries to recover.
  • Numb Feet & Legs - if you're not ROTC/NSTP 'volunteer' then good for you, I'd say
7. MENTAL STRAIN - if there is physical, well here's the mental strain, 'Gib me tisyu coz my Nus is blid' for short. If you are good looking or fairly-pleasant-personality-looking-type, then you better be 'in-the-know' of Sinulog or of the routes/roads or about Cebu. WHY? You will probably attract tourists that want to get around. Why is this a BAD?/WORST Experience? IF YOU'RE NOT PREPARED THEN MOST PROBABLY IT'S GOING TO BE. So be prepared, prepare you're ENGLISH, your SMILE, so you can be a not only a good looking but also awesome ambassador of Cebu, Philippines. :D

8. PHOTO-BOMBED - yes, imagine you found an interesting spot or situation and you're all ready with your poses and all, then all of a sudden some random person just so happens to pass by and then it happens again...then again..then...

9. LOST - no, not the American TV Series --I mean literally lost, even if you're a local and you know how to get around to places, you will really feel lost as to where in heaven's name did all the Public Transportation go to, so be prepared for route changes and make sure to bring a buddy or be in a group to accompany oneself in getting around. Or better yet, position your Private Transportation in an accessible yet safe area so you can use that to go home, OR BE PREPARED to pull an all-nighter and go home the next day.

10. GETTING DRUNK - it's a community celebration (An event where friends can gather, meet and reunite), a religious exercise and a holiday to relax, enjoy the good don't go and do something you'll regret or get arrested for!

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